

前陣子在賣場上有看到一罐 中華路2段Dr. Mercola, 健康寵物,跳蚤棒,除跳蚤工具,2支合購!!!
但一罐 中華路2段Dr. Mercola, 健康寵物,跳蚤棒,除跳蚤工具,2支合購價格還蠻貴的,想說找一下原廠價格
後來我在這個網站找到 中華路2段Dr. Mercola, 健康寵物,跳蚤棒,除跳蚤工具,2支合購發現居然比市售便宜好幾倍。
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找尋 中華路2段Dr. Mercola, 健康寵物,跳蚤棒,除跳蚤工具,2支合購心得看這裡

產品概述 說明
  • Removes tick completely
  • Quick and easy to use
  • Safe for people too!

I want to emphasize again that examining your pet’s body regularly must be part of your total pest preventive plan.

All pest repellents (both chemical and natural) are only deterrents and your pet will still get bugged by bugs on occasion. Certainly, keeping your pet clean with frequent baths and brushing is part of a regular examination program.

Removing most of the pests you occasionally find on your dog or cat is not a big issue except for one … ticks. Ticks bore into your pet’s skin using backward-pointing spikes that can make safely removing them difficult.

One of the best tools I’ve come across and highly recommend as part of my natural system for protecting your pet is the Tick Stick.

The Tick Stick is one of the few tools I’ve found that allows you to actually hold the tick (without compressing it) and remove it by using a twisting, rather than a pulling motion.

The twisting motion allowed by the Tick Stick takes advantage of the tick’s rostrum structure. As you twist, the spikes bend into the axis of rotation, making it easier to remove the tick—so you can safely and easily remove ticks.

  1. Choose the most appropriate hook, according to the size of the tick.
  2. Engage the hook by approaching the tick from the side until it is held.
  3. Lift the hook very lightly and twist it until the tick detaches by itself.

 中華路2段Dr. Mercola, 健康寵物,跳蚤棒,除跳蚤工具,2支合購

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