

前陣子在賣場上有看到一罐 新臺五路1段Dragon Herbs, 健康茶,7袋,4液體盎司/袋團購!!!
但一罐 新臺五路1段Dragon Herbs, 健康茶,7袋,4液體盎司/袋團購價格還蠻貴的,想說找一下原廠價格
後來我在這個網站找到 新臺五路1段Dragon Herbs, 健康茶,7袋,4液體盎司/袋團購發現居然比市售便宜好幾倍。
 新臺五路1段Dragon Herbs, 健康茶,7袋,4液體盎司/袋團購真的讓我省超多的不如直接買 新臺五路1段Dragon Herbs, 健康茶,7袋,4液體盎司/袋團購就看這裡
找尋 新臺五路1段Dragon Herbs, 健康茶,7袋,4液體盎司/袋團購心得看這裡

產品概述 說明
  • Aseptic Pouch
  • Preservative Free

This micro-brewed Herbal Elixir is made from superior herbs. Extracted in a high pressure herb extractor, the decoction is immediately filled into this aseptic pouch without the use of preservatives or additives.

Dragon Herbs Elixirs are a pleasant and effective way to take your herbal tonics. Each formula was made by a natural water extraction method. The concentrated herbal teas are bagged in state-of-the-art retort pouches. The tea will remain pure and potent until the pouch is opened. These liquid extracts are preservative free. Many connoisseurs consider these elixirs to be the ultimate form of tonic herbalism.


The effects of this herbal blend are more beneficial if consumed warm and within two months of extraction. If not consumed within four months, this pouch should be boiled directly in boiling water for approximately five minutes.

Serving Size:

With the exception of Tibetan Magic, all retort packages are single serving. Tibetan Magic retort packages can make two to four servings depending on taste. You can drink your elixir straight or you can mix it with hot or cold water; hot or cold tea; or another of your favorite beverages. To enhance your elixir's potency, we recommend Spring Dragon Longevity Tea.


Gently hold the pouch upright. With a pair of scissors cut into one small corner of the pouch just enough for the tea to settle downward. After the tea has settled, complete the cut until the entire corner of the pouch is removed. Pour tea into a cup or glass. At this point, you can add hot or cold water, tea or your favorite juice. You can add as much water or tea as you like. All Dragon Herbs Elixirs can be boiled to increase their temperature.


Keep the pouches away from sunlight. Refrigerate after opening.


Unopened retort packages require no refrigeration and will store up to six months. Opened retort packages must be stored in a refrigerator and will last up to three days. If you have not used the tea in several months, place the pouches in a pot of water and boil for five minutes. Note: It is always better to store Dragon Herbs Elixirs in the refrigerator.

Purified alkaline water, dendrobium stem, goji berries, schizandra, licorice root, Great Salt Lake minerals, guilin sweetfruit extract, potassium glycerophosphate (an excellent source of potassium).

 新臺五路1段Dragon Herbs, 健康茶,7袋,4液體盎司/袋團購

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