

前陣子在賣場上有看到一罐 前進Dr. Ohhira's, Essential Formulas Inc., 益生素, Kampuku Beauty Bar, 2.82盎司 (80克)合購!!!
但一罐 前進Dr. Ohhira's, Essential Formulas Inc., 益生素, Kampuku Beauty Bar, 2.82盎司 (80克)合購價格還蠻貴的,想說找一下原廠價格
後來我在這個網站找到 前進Dr. Ohhira's, Essential Formulas Inc., 益生素, Kampuku Beauty Bar, 2.82盎司 (80克)合購發現居然比市售便宜好幾倍。
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產品概述 說明
  • 促進並維持姣好的肌膚
  • 必需配方


我們的標志: 日文書寫的 "美麗"體現瞭我們意在促進由內而外的美麗。這是真正的自然之美。它包含瞭物理特征也包含瞭個人性格和誠實。

Ohirra博士的益生素Kampuku Beauty Bar合並瞭天然成分,古老的日本發酵技術和現在科學技術以創造出凈化,平衡和活膚洗面乳,它適合任何年齡階段和任何性質的皮膚。這種獨傢配方,由備受贊譽的微生物學傢Iichiroh Ohhira博士創造。結合益生素和益生營養素以幫助支持健康皮膚的生態需求平衡。

每日可用,並且臉部和身體都適用。Ohhira博士的 Probiotics Kampuku Beauty Bar提供瞭自然除臭劑,讓肌膚幹凈濕潤。由於傳統的日本加工讓補水物質均勻溶入肌膚,kampuku Beauty Bar可用於剃須部、腿部和其他敏感的區域,以幫助減輕疼痛感和剃刀與皮膚的碰撞。全傢使用是極好的!




As with all products formulated by lichiroh Ohhira, Ph.D., this beauty bar contains no synthetic fragrances, stabilizers, deodorants, preservatives, chemicals or artificial colors. Although its natural caramel color may fade during use and storage, the bar's high quality remains intact. Not tested on animals.




Ingredient Purpose
Sodium palmate-Sodium cocoate Detergent
Probiotic Extract* Humidifying Agent
Water Solvent
Caramel Humidifying Agent
* Probiotic Extract comprised of natural, wild-growing herbals hand-harvested from the vast mountain region of the Chugoku district of Japan, seaweed from Japan's ocean and mountain spring water. The raw ingredients in Dr. Ohhira's Probiotic Kampuku Beauty Bar are carefully blended and naturally fermented.

 前進Dr. Ohhira's, Essential Formulas Inc., 益生素, Kampuku Beauty Bar, 2.82盎司 (80克)合購

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不擋牌 不降賠 不漲價
二星74 三星64 四星55 (六合)
二星74 三星63 四星54 (539)
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另徵全省御匾會現金板代理 希望大家看 前進Dr. Ohhira's, Essential Formulas Inc., 益生素, Kampuku Beauty Bar, 2.82盎司 (80克)合購會喜歡唷~

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